Journal Papers
Journal Papers
Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Azamat Mustafa, Tarek Sobh, Sarosh Patel, and Muratulla Utenov,"A Robomech Class Parallel Manipulator with Three Degrees of Freedom,", in Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 44-56,
June 2020. ISSN 1729-4061.
Utenov M, Sobh T, Baigunchekov Z, Zhilkibayeva S, Patel S,"Analytical Method for Determination of Internal Forces of Mechanisms and Manipulators,", Robotics. 2018; 7(3):53.
A. Raskaliyev, S. H. Patel, T. M. Sobh and A. Ibrayev,"GNSS-Based Attitude Determination Techniques—A Comprehensive Literature Survey,", IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.
Mohammad Alshibli, Ahmed ElSayed *, Elif Kongar, Tarek Sobh, Surendra Gupta,"A Robust Robotic Disassembly Sequence Design Using Orthogonal Arrays and Task Allocation", Robotics 2019, 8(1), March 2019.
Ahmed ElSayed, Elif Kongar, Ausif Mahmood, Tarek Sobh and Terrance Boult,"Neural Generative Models for 3D Faces with Application in 3D Texture Free Face Recognition", November 2018, arXiv:1811.04358.
Ahmed ElSayed, Elif Kongar, Ausif Mahmood, and Tarek Sobh,"Unsupervised Face Recognition in the Wild using High Dimensional Features under Super Resolution Effect", in the Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer, Volume 12, Issue 7,pp. 1353–1360 ,October 2018.
Mohammad Alshibli, Ahmed El Sayed, Ozden Tozanli, Elif Kongar, Tarek M. Sobh and Surendra M. Gupta,"A Decision Maker-Centered End-of-Life Product Recovery System for Robot Task Sequencing", in the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer, Volume 91, Issue 3–4, pp 603–616, September 2018.
Muratulla Utenov, Tarek Sobh, Zhumadil Baigunchekov, Saltanat Zhilkibayeva and Sarosh Patel,"Analytical Method for Determination of Internal Forces of Mechanisms and Manipulators", Robotics Journal, Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2018.
Reem Alattas, Sarosh Patel and Tarek Sobh,"Evolutionary Modular Robotics: Survey and Analysis. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems", in the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer, July 2018.
Peter J. Zeno, Sarosh Patel and Tarek M. Sobh,"A Novel Neurophysiological Based Navigation System", Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Volume 22, Pages 67-81, ISSN 2212-683X, October 2017.
Raskaliyev Almat, Sarosh Patel and Tarek Sobh,"A Dynamic Model for GPS Based Attitude Determination And Testing Using A Serial Robotic Manipulator", November 2018, arXiv:1811.04358.
- Reem J. Alattas, Sarosh Patel, Tarek M. Sobh,"Comprehensive Survey of Evolutionary Morphological Soft Robotic Systems", arXiv:1702.02934v5, 30 May 2017.
- Ahmed ElSayed, Ausif Mahmood, Tarek Sobh,"Effect of Super Resolution on High Dimensional Features for Unsupervised Face Recognition in the Wild", arXiv:1704.01464v2, 13 May 2017.
- Abrar Alajlan, Khaled Elleithy, Marwah Almasri and Tarek Sobh,"An Optimal and Energy Efficient Multi-Sensor Collision-Free Path Planning Algorithm for a Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environments", Robotics, Vol.6, No.2, pp1-18, 31 March 2017. doi:10.3390/robotics6020007
- Madhav Patil, Tamer Abukhalil, Sarosh Patel, and Tarek Sobh,"Deployment Environment for a Swarm of Heterogeneous Robots", International Journal of robotics, Vol.5, No.4, pp1-21, October, 2016. DOI: 10.3390/robotics5040022
- Madhav Patil, Tamer Abukhalil, Sarosh Patel, and Tarek Sobh,"UB Swarm: hardware implementation of heterogeneous swarm robot with fault detection and power management", International Journal of Computing, Vol.15, No.3, pp162-176, September 2016. ISSN 2312-5381
- Munoz, Carlos, Patel, Sarosh, and Sobh, Tarek M.,"Object Tracking Using Autonomous Quad Copter", Journal of Transactions on Techniques in STEM Education, Vol.1 No.4, pp 9-15, September, 2016. ISSN: 2381-649X
- Alsahafi, Hesham, Majed Almaleky, and Tarek M. Sobh,"Design and Implementation of Metallic Waste Collection Robot", Journal of Transactions on Techniques in STEM Education, Vol.1 No.4, pp 86-95, September, 2016. ISSN: 2381-649X
- Peter J. Zeno, Sarosh Patel, and Tarek M. Sobh,"Review of Neurobiologically Based Mobile Robot Navigation System Research Performed Since 2000", Journal of Robotics, vol. 2016, Article ID 8637251, 17 pages, August, 2016. DOI:10.1155/2016/8637251
- Alshibli, Mohammad, Ahmed El Sayed, Elif Kongar, Tarek M. Sobh, and Surendra M. Gupta," Disassembly Sequencing Using Tabu Search", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, ISSN 1573-0409, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 69-79, April 2016
- Patel, Sarosh, and Tarek Sobh, "Task based synthesis of serial manipulators", Journal of advanced research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 479-492, May 2015.
- Sarosh Patel and Tarek Sobh, " Manipulator Performance Measures; A Comprehensive Literature Survey", In Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 77, Issue 3, pp 547-570, March 2015.
- Abuzneid, Abdel-Shakour, Tarek Sobh, Miad Faezipour, Ausif Mahmood, and John James, "Fortified anonymous communication protocol for location privacy in WSN: a modular approach", Journal of Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 5820-5864, March 2015.
- Abuzneid, Abdel-Shakour, Tarek Sobh, and Miad Faezipour, "An enhanced communication protocol for location privacy in WSN", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks vol. 2015, pp. 62, January 2015.
- Ayssam Elkady, Jovin Joy, Tarek Sobh and Kimon Valavanis, "Modular Design: A Plug and Play Approach to Sensory Modules, Actuation Platfroms and Task Descriptions for Robotics and Automation Applications", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, Volume 72, No.2, pp 271-289, August 2014
- Ayssam Elkady, Jovin Joy,Tarek Sobh and Kimon Valavanis, "Erratum to: A Structured Approach for Modular Design in Robotics and Automation Environments", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, Volume 72, No.2, pp 359-359, August 2014
- Tamer Abukhalil, Tarek Sobh and Madhav Patil, "Survey on Decentralized Modular Swarm Robots and Control Interfaces", International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume 7, Number 2, pp 44-73, 30 June 2013.
- Madhav Patil, Tamer Abukhalil and Tarek Sobh, "Hardware Architecture Review of Swarm Robotics System: Self-Reconfigurability, Self-Reassembly, and Self-Replication", in the ISRN Robotics, Volume 2013, 24 April 2013
- Ayssam Elkady, Jovin Joy, Tarek Sobh and Kimon Valavanis, "Modular Design: A Plug and Play Approach to Sensory Modules, Actuation Platfroms and Task Descriptions for Robotics and Automation Applications", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, Volume 72, Number 1, pp 5-19, 7 October 2013.
- Gad Selig, Elif Kongar, Neal Lewis, Christian Bach and Tarek Sobh, "The Proposed Ph.D. in Technology Management at the University of Bridgeport: A Case Study", International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education (IJIOME), Volume 5, Number 2, February 2013.
- Ayssam Elkady, Jovin Joy,Tarek Sobh and Kimon Valavanis, " Structured Approach for Modular Design in Robotics and Automation Environments", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 72, Number 1, May 2012.
- Ahmed ElSayed, Elif Kongar, Surendra Gupta and Tarek Sobh, "Robotized End-of-Life Product Disassembly", Robotics News, June 2012.
- Madhav Patil, Jack Toporovsky, Lawrence Hmurcik and Tarek Sobh, "Integration of Vision System, Intelligent Robo-Actuator, HMI and PLC to Design a Universal Quality Inspection or Control Machine",I-Manager" Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pages 5-13,June 2012.
- Ahmed ElSayed, Elif Kongar, Surendra M. Gupta and Tarek Sobh, "A Robotic-Driven Disassembly Sequence Generator for End-Of-Life Electronic Products", In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 68, Number 1, Pages 43-52, 2012.
- Ayssam Elkady and Tarek Sobh, "Robotics Middleware: A Comprehensive Literature Survey and Attribute-Based Bibliography", in the Journal of Robotics, 2012.
- Khaled Elleithy, Jeongkyu Lee, Tarek Sobh, Ali El-Rashedy, Jovin Joy, and Leon Manole, "Design and Implementation of Wireless Camera, Communication and Control Modules for a Transformable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, Volume 66, Number 3, Pages 401-414, 2012.
- Ayssam Elkady, Vipul Babariya, Jovin Joy and Tarek M. Sobh, ""Modular Design and Implementation for a Sensory-Driven Mobile Manipulation Framework", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, September 2010.
- E. Kongar, J. Pallis and T. Sobh, ""Non-Parametric Approach for Evaluating the Performance of Engineering Schools", in the International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), Volume 26, Number 5, pp 1210-1219, September 2010.
- Toporovsky, J., Hempowicz, C., and Sobh, T., "Interdisciplinary Automation and Control in a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Laboratory", in the International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume 4, Issue 1, pp 79-85, March 2010.
- Ayssam ElKady, Mohammed Mohammed, Tarek Sobh, "A New Algorithm for Measuring and Optimizing the Manipulability Index", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer, December 2009.
- T. Sobh, J. Pallis and N. Gupta, "Recent Directions in Remote engineering and Virtual Instrumentation,'' In the International Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 5, REV 2009 Special Issue, pp 4-7, August 2009.
- E. Kongar, P. Kontogiorgis, N. Russo and T.Sobh, "Women in Science, Engineering and Technology: Changing Roles and Perceptions within the Technical Services Industries,'' in the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 4, number 1, pp 46-50, 2009.
- G. Selig and T. Sobh, "Transforming a Technology Management Master's Degree into an Innovative High Growth Inter-Disciplinary Program,''In the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 3, number 12, pp 937-942, 2008.
- E. Kongar, T. Sobh and M. Baral,"A Two-Step Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Efficient Engineering Enrollment Management,''In the International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 25, number 2, pp. 391-402, 2009.
- M . Mohammed, V. Babriya and T. Sobh, "Modeling a Deburring Process, Using DELMIA V5,'' In the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 3, number 11, pp 835-847, 2008.
- T. Sobh and S. Patel,"On-line Virtual Real Time E-Collaboration: An Innovative Case Study on Research Teleconferencing Management,'' In the International Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 4, Number 4, pp 57-59, November 2008.
- Memushaj and T. Sobh, "Using Grapheme n-grams in Spelling Correction and Augmentative Typing Systems,'' In the Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Volume 4, issue 1, pp 87-106, March 2008.
- T. Sobh and K. Elleithy, "Special Issue On Advances In Computer, Information, And Systems Sciences, And Engineering Preface Guest Editors", In the Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Volume 3, issue 3, pp 366-369, November 2007.
- E. Kongar, A. Abu Zaghleh and T. Sobh, "Online Customization and Enrollment Application Network (OCEAN),'' In the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Volume 2, Number 3, September 2007.
- T. Sobh "A Randomized Parallel Algorithm for Computing a Complete Histogram of an Image in Log(n) Steps with Optimal Memory Requirements Using Hypercubes," In Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 1, issue 1, pp 47-59, March 2007.
- T. Sobh, R. Cousens and S. Patel, " Course Scheduler: An Automated Schedule Generator,," In the Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 1, issue 1, pp 25-46, March 2007.
- T. Sobh, X. Zhu and S. Patel, "Visualization of Tolerance for Manufacturing,'' In the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 2, number 2, pp 299-304, 2007.
- T. Sobh, K. Elleithy and S. Patel, "Reverse Engineering of VLSI Chips: A Roadmap,'' In the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 2, number 2, pp 290-298, 2007.
- T. Sobh and A. Tibrewal, "Parametric Optimization of Some Critical Operating System Functions - An Alternate Approach to the Study of Operating Systems Design.'' In the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, Volume 7, Issues 3 & 4, pp 58-79, December 2006.
- R. Petrova, A. Tibrewal, and Tarek M. Sobh, "An Electronic Web-Based Assesment System.'' In the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, Volume 7, Issues 3 & 4, pp 44-57, December 2006.
- S. Patel and T. Sobh, "Laboratory Corner Paper: Online Automation and Control; An Experiment in Distance Engineering Education.''In the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, Volume 13, Number 4, pp 91-95, December 2006.
- S. Patel and T. Sobh, "Online Automation and Control: An Experiment in Distance Engineering Education", in the Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3, August 2006.
- Sarosh Patel, Rajeev Sanyal and Tarek Sobh, "RISCBOT: A WWW-Enabled Mobile Surveillance and Identification Robot.'' In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Volume 45, Number 1, pp 15-30, May 2006.
- Tarek Sobh, Rajeev Sanyal and Sarosh Patel, "RISCBOT: A Web-Enabled Mobile Platform.'' In Servo Magazine, pp 37-41, March 2006.
- R. Mihali and T. Sobh, "Effective Simulation and Control techniques for Alleviating the Access to High Cost Manipulators.'' In the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, Volume 6, issues 3&4, pp 21--28, December 2005.
- B. Wang, D. Hoang, I. Daiz, C. Okpala and T. M. Sobh, "An Experimental Collective Intelligence Research Tool.''In the Computing Journal, Volume 3, issue 3, pp 40-50, April 2005.
- V. Vacic and T. Sobh, "The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.'' In the Computing Journal, Volume 3, issue 2, pp 72-80, November 2004.
- Sobh, Tarek M. and Toundykov, Daniel Y., "Kinematic Synthesis of Robotic Manipulators From Task Descriptions.'' In the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation (IEEE RAM), Volume 11, No. 2, pp 78-85, June 2004.
- R. Mihali, T. Sobh and D. Vamoser, "SKED: A Course Scheduling and Advising Software.'' In the Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 12, issue 1, pp 1--19, May 2004.
- T. Chen, T. Sobh and A. Tibrewal, "A Tool for Data Structure Visualization and User-Defined Algorithm Animation.'' In the Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, Volume 4, issues 3&4, pp 33--41, December 2003.
- T. Sobh, R. Mihali, P. Batra, A. Singh, S. Pathak, T. Vitulskis, A. Rosca, "E-Learning: Case Studies in Web-Controlled Devices and Remote Manipulation.'' In the Computing Journal, Volume 2, issue 3, pp 123--131, December 2003.
- Tarek M. Sobh, K. Coble and B. Wang, "Experimental Robot Musicians," in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic System, Volume 38, issue 2, pp 197-212, November 2003.
- T. Alameldin, N. Badler and T. Sobh, and R. Mihali, "A Computational Approach for Constructing the Reachable Workspaces for Redundant Manipulators," in the Computing Journal, Volume 2, issue 1, pp 48-52, October 2003.
- M. Elchanani, T. Sobh, and R. Mihali, "Remote Learning: A World-Wide-Web Operated Robot Arm," in the Computing Journal, Volume 2, issue 1, pp 13-16, October 2003.
- Tarek M. Sobh, Rajeev Sanyal and Bei Wang, "Web-Based Remote Mobile Robot Surveillance," In the Journal of Internet Technology, Volume 4, issue # 1, pp 179-184, July 2003.
- Tarek M. Sobh, Bei Wang and Sarosh Patel, "A Mobile Wireless and Web-based Analysis Tool for Robot Design and Dynamic Control Simulation from Task Points Description," In the Journal of Internet Technology, Volume 4, issue # 1, pp 153-161, July 2003.
- M. Grigorian and T. M. Sobh, "Design-Simulation-Optimization Package for a generic 6-DOF Manipulator with a Spherical Wrist," In the Journal of Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation, Volume 43, issue #6, pp 759-769, June 2003.
- W. Zhang and T. M. Sobh, "Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulators," In the Journal of Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation, Volume 43, issue 1, pp 67-74, January 2003.
- R. Mihali, T. Sobh, V. Koval, T. Korkishko, A. Sachenko, and V. Kochan, "Web based Virtual Robot Prototyping and Manufacturing," In the Computing Journal, Volume 1, issue 2, pp 95-100, December 2002.
- T. Sobh, R. Mihali, A. Rosca, B. Ghimire, K. Vovk, G. Gosine, P. Batra, A. Singh, and S. Pathak, "Case Studies in Web-Controlled Devices and Remote Manipulation," In the Computing Journal, Volume 1, issue 1, pp 56-63, August 2002.
- H. Hagras and T. Sobh, "Intelligent Learning and Control of Autonomous Robotic Agents Operating in Unstructured Environments," In the Information Science Journal, Volume 145, issue #1--2, pp 1--12, Elsevier Science Inc., August 2002.
- T. Sobh, R. Mihali, B. Ghimire, K. Vovk, G. Gosine, P. Batra, "Laboratory-Based Distance Learning, Case Studies in Web-Controlled Devices and Remote Manipulation," In the International Journal of Robotics Automation, special issue on Web-based Automation, Volume 17, Number 3, 120-127, 2002.
- T. Sobh, R. Mihali, B. Ghimire, K. Vovk, G. Gosine, P. Batra, "Web-Controlled Devices And Remote Manipulation: Distance Learning Case Studies", In the International Journal of Robotics Automation, special issue on Web-based Automation, Volume 17, Number 3, pp 120-127, 2002.
- T. M. Sobh and A. Mahmood, "Recovering Structure Uncertainties from Noisy Sense Data," In Computers Electrical Engineering, volume 28 (2002), issue #2, 127--141, January 2002.
- T. M. Sobh, M. Dekhil, T. C. Henderson, A. Sabbavarapu and R. Mihali, "Concurrent Design of a Three-link Manipulator Prototype," In Computers Electrical Engineering, volume 27 (2001), issue #6, 445-458, November 2001.
- Tarek M. Sobh, Abdelshakour A. Abuzneid, Raul Mihali, "A PC-Based Simulator/Controller/Monitor Software for a Generic 6DOF Manipulator."'' In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 31:355-377, 2001.
- K. Lee and T. Sobh, "Visionary Prototyping: New Trends in Prototyping Design and Automation," In the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, Volume 8, Number 3, 15-24, September 2001. [also see PostScript converted version]
- K. Lee and T. Sobh, "Advances in Prototyping," In the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, Volume 8, Number 3, 6-8, September 2001.
- T. M. Sobh, M. Dekhil, A. A. Efros and R.Mihali, "Logical Control for Mobile Robots." In the International Journal of Robotics Automation, Volume 16, Number 2, 74-82, 2001. [also see PostScript converted version]
- T. M. Sobh, X. Zhu, B. Bruderlin and R. Mihali,"Analysis of Sensing Errors for Manufacturing Geometric Objects from Sensed Data." In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 30: 143-153, 2001. [also see PostScript converted version]
- R. Mihali, M. Grigorian and T. M. Sobh, "An Application of Robotic Optimization: Design for a Tire-Changing Robot," In the International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 12, 1: 28-36, 2000.
- R. Mihali M. Grigorian and T. M. Sobh, "Robotic Optimization and Testing for the Formula One Tire-Changing Robot," In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 29: 277-294, 2000.
- R. Mihali and T. M. Sobh, "The Formula One Tire Changing Robot (F1-T.C.R.)," In the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 27: 171-193, 2000.
- M. Dekhil, T. M. Sobh, and A. A. Efros, "Commanding Sensors and Controlling Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robots," In the International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, Volume 3, Issue 1, 105-116, March 1999. [also see PostScript converted version]
- T. M. Sobh, M. Dekhil, T. C. Henderson, and A.Sabbavarapu, "Prototyping a Three-link Robot Manipulator", in the International Journal of Robotics Automation, Volume 14, Issue 2, 61-67, 1999. [also see PostScript converted version]
- T. M. Sobh, M. Dekhil, and A. A. Efros, "Sensing Under Uncertainty for Mobile Robots", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 25: 1-25, 1999.
- T. M. Sobh, T. C. Henderson, and F. Zana, "Tolerance Representation and Analysis in Industrial Inspection", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 24: 87-401, 1999.
- T. M. Sobh, T. Henderson, and Frederic Zana, "Analyzing Manufacturing Tolerances for Sensing and Inspection." In the International Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue on Automation and Robotics, Spring 1998.
- A. Mahmood, Y. Chu, and T. M. Sobh, "Parallel SOLVE for Direct Circuit Simulation on a Transputer Array," in the IEEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, Vol. 144, No. 6, December 1997.
- T. M. Sobh and B. Benhabib, "Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems in Robotics and Automation: An Overview", in the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, June 1997. [also see PostScript converted version]
- M. Dekhil, T. M. Sobh, T. C. Henderson, and R. Mecklenburg, "UPE: Utah Prototyping Environment for Robot Manipulators",in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 17: 31-60, 1996.
- T. M. Sobh and R. Bajcsy, "A Discrete Event Framework for Autonomous Observation Under Uncertainty," in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 16: 315-385, 1996.
- T. M. Sobh and J. C. Owen, "A Sensing Strategy for the Reverse Engineering of Machined Parts", in the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 14: 323-340, 1995.
- T. M. Sobh, J. C. Owen, M. Dekhil, and T. C. Henderson, "Industrial Inspection and Reverse Engineering," in Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP), Image Understanding Journal, Special Issue on Model-Based Vision, May 1995.
- T. M. Sobh, "Recovering 3-D Motion and Structure," in Informatica, The International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Volume 18, Number 4, December 1994.
- T. M. Sobh and T. Alameldin, "Compressed Transmission Mode: An Optimizing Decision Tool," in Informatica, The International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Volume 18, Number 3, November 1994.
- T. M. Sobh and K. P. Valavanis, "Discrete Event systems in Robotics and Automation" in Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 13: 151-152, October 1994.
- T. M. Sobh, J. C. Owen, and M. Dekhil, "A Dynamic Recursive Approach for Autonomous Inspection and Reverse Engineering", in Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 13: 153-171, October 1994.
- T. M. Sobh, J. C. Owen, K. P. Valavanis, and D.Gracanin, "A Subject-Indexed Bibliography of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems", in the IEEE Magazine on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1994.